Sunday, July 11, 2010

so near yet so far.


mmg sesuai sangat dengan kita.

we are totally different.
u suka punk rock
and i suka love song.
but i love it.

i tak sangka kita serapat ni.
i am so comfort when i am with u.
u cakap sebab u hugable.

kita selalu merungut.
kenapa kita tak jumpa sebelum ni?
where have u been all this while?
but for me thats not important
atleast, tuhan bagi i kesempatan kenal u.
i know its not easy for us
to go on with this relationship
sometimes i feel that it is so impossible.
banyak pengorbanan yang perlu dilakukan
but i still love it.

sometimes i ragu-ragu dengan semua ni.
betul ke semua ni?
is it real?
should i trust or not?
betul ke apa yang kita buat?
betul ke apa yang i buat?
i wish i can get all the answer.
so senang untuk i buat keputusan.

i am so afraid to hear
what people will say bout us
if they find out.
its so unfair.
its only just a love
not a crime.
but we both still afraid
afraid to move on
afraid to make any decision.

dunia ni memang tak adil untuk kita.
jarak kita cuma 20 langkah
tapi sangat susah nak jumpa
plus kalau jumpa sekali pun
kita tak boleh buat apa-apa.

i am so sick to pretend like
i dont know u every time
i saw u.
its hurt me actually.
tapi apa yang boleh kita buat?
but i still love it.

the fact is
we need to hide our love.
i betul-betul tak biasa.
i adalah seorang yang suka
express my feeling.
yes i know u dont.
so it will be easy for u.
but not for me.
but i do still love it


thanx for being here.
i hope there is a happy ending for us.
keep praying.


**sorry kalau grammar tak betul.


Alintjelita Jolie, Her Majesty said...

woot woot.

Hartini Mohd Hatim said...

woot woot woot. HAHA

Syafiq said...

tak2.grammar ok.haha.tu plak yg dikomen kan.takpe,true love prevails,ye dok?hehe

Hartini Mohd Hatim said...

fuhh. naseb sir ckp grammar saya okayy. kalau tak okay saya dah delete dah post ni. hehh. mmg pasal grammar lah yg patot sir comment pon. kate pon lecturer english kan.hehe